To become a premier college recognised globally for its excellence in creation of high thinking professionals with an appropriate focus on right grooming for accepting any challenge in the real world life.
To create excellence in various perspectives, dimensions and domain through quality education. To render inventive education by offering practical, innovative & technology driven programmes.
To Ever since its inception Arya P.G. College has the pride distinction to achieve milestones in diverse fields. On 30th May 2017, our College has completed 63 years of its establishment.
3rd International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering & Technology(A Multi-Disciplinary International Conference including Engg. & Technology).
केयूके की मेरिट सूची में छाए आर्य पीजी कॉलेज के 10 विद्यार्थी
स्नातक कक्षाओं में ऑनलाइन दाखिला पंजीकरण के लिए विद्यार्थियों की लगी भीड़
केयूके की मेरिट सूची में छाए आर्य पीजी कॉलेज के 14 विद्यार्थी
आर्य कॉलेज के होनहार छात्र लक्ष्य का ऑल इंडिया रैंक 36 के साथ एन.आई.टी तिरूचिरापल्ली,तमिलनाडू में हुआ चयन
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